$BON Presale Considerations

When thinking about how to create a presale, in a PumpFun token creation environment, it’s challenging to come up with a sophisticated way to set it up. In the end, I think I can easily enough manage any presale conversions that may arise, manually, without the use of any automated or blockchain type programming. If I can have people simply send in a payment, all I would have to do is send back a predetermined, set amount to the sending wallet. Seems simple enough mostly because I know there will probably be no presales. Firstly, I will have little reach at this point. No audience to speak of. But if anyone does see the presale option, they will probably be turned off by the idea of just blindly sending SOL to a random wallet. Not to mention it probably won’t be seen as a good deal economically. The are essentially paying more for their tokens than the dev is at the same time and point of sale. .3 SOL gets about 10,000,000 tokens when buying prelaunch as the dev. The purchaser however will be purchasing half of that, 5,000,000 tokens. The fluctuation of SOL is considered in this overcharge, but most importantly, the remaining tokens will be held in the Bonfire Allocation wallet, to be burned at the first burn after the Raydium bond. I don’t think this will amount to converting any presales. But, it is nice to offer it and for people to look back in the future and see that it was offered.

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