Naming The Project “Bonfire”

Early on, I knew the direction the project would generally take. I want to build a community that is a valid resource for all who partake in it. Using that community as not only a resource, but a platform will allow for a solid foundation of exposure in marketing its companion, the $BON token. I needed a concept that could incorporate a community and a token together in a uniform project package that made sense. When figuring out initial tokenomics for the token aspect, burning tokens became an obvious and easy marketing ploy. I needed a project image that could incoporate both large burning events as well as a community. Then the idea of a bonfire hit me. Bonfires are traditionally fun, after dark gatherings of friends where good times are had, centering around a large and spectacular fire. The gathering infers the community aspect, as a reason to gather in the forums. The burning aspect of the bonfire would be the tokenomics focusing heavily on burning. That also lead to the initial idea of the “log pile” burn wallet. Sending in failed meme coins to be converted in to $BON and burned seems like a fun and innovative way to contribute to the overall burning. It just sort of came together and I decided to run with it. It works for me, and now that I’m passed the initial development stages of the project, I’m confident in the image it presents to represent this project.

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